Friday, March 27, 2009

My baby is THREE!

I can't believe at 12:56 this morning Chase turned three! He's now talking up a storm, loving to play outside and says "thank you mommy" for everything. I put on his coat this morning, he said "thank you mommy". I turned him around and said "your welcome" he just smiled. He is starting to be a little protective of his toys. Maya likes his toys too! We're trying to work on sharing and playing together. For the most part, he's doing really well.

Tonight my parents are going to come over for cake and ice cream. They weren't able to come to Chase's party last weekend because of illness. Dad is feeling a lot better, but my Mom really tired. Hopefully they'll rest up over the weekend:)


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Caton started his new job!

Caton and I were blessed last week with a job!!! Caton started last Thursday. He is working two jobs right now, probably til the end of March. The hours aren't the best with the new job, but it's a JOB!!! He starts at 3:30 am and I don't see him til after 7:30 pm. It'll only temporary while he's training (we're crossing fingers). Our prayers were answered!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chase is almost three!!!

It's hard to imagine that Chase will be three on the 27th. We have his big party this next weekend. Here are a couple of Chase's three year pictures. It was great that I could give Chase a direction and he would actually do it. It is hard to get him to look at me, since he looks at me all the time. That's one disadvantage of being a professional photographer and Mom.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's time!!!

It's time to sell all the baby items. It's kind of bitter sweet thinking about it. I'm very happy with two children, but I'm thinking what if... I love being a mom. I love babies. I have to remember what's best for Chase and Maya. They need their Mom's time and attention. With three, I don't think I could give them everything they need. My personal opinion!!!

I've been getting baby clothes and gear ready for about two weeks. It takes a lot of work cleaning and labeling everything. I hope the hard pays off. It's sad to see it all go. I'm sure I'll get over it.

Garage Sale
Saturday, March 14th
4H Wabash Co. Fairgrounds (Elrod Building)
Cash only

Monday, March 2, 2009

Wow...what a response.

I've had several people contact me about the baby items!!! Yay, I'll finally free up some room in Maya's closet. I went through 8 rubbermaid tubs of baby clothes this weekend. Two of them were just 3 mo. clothes. It was nuts!

Here are a few more items that I've found:
Baby/ Toddler bath tub
Halloween costumes (Baby lobster never has been used)
Infant snowsuits and coats
Dual motorized Breastpump with accessories(new tubing can be purchased)
Vera Bradley diaper bag (Navy)
Chest or back baby carrier