Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the "Mini" is Saturday!!!

Last summer... I got the idea that I would participate in the Indianapolis "Mini" Marathon. I wanted to do it before I turned 30. We'll, my good friend Lisa and I did it. We signed up last fall. We've been walking since last September trying to prepare for the big day. The big day is this Saturday. I'm getting a little nervous:) We'll go down to Indy on Friday and do dinner, a little shopping. The race will start at 7:30 Saturday morning. It's suppose to rain and low 60's. I'm gonna try to take my little camera and photograph the whole experience. We'll see. Wish me luck ;)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kari & Mark's Wedding.

This was my cousin Kari's wedding last Saturday. It was in Indy and reception was at Conner Prairie. It was just a beautiful day from start to finish! All the pictures will be available on Pictage http://www.pictage.com after I get done editing them. The event title name is Kari and Mark
Congrats K&M!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Parker, Alec, Chase & Maya had their first Easter egg hunt. The weather was great, it was nice to get outside. We started the day with Church. Then headed to my parent's house for lunch and an easter egg hunt, followed by Caton's family in the evening. Long day... but it was nice to spend the day with family. Maya had a hard time getting around in her dress. As you can see in pictures, she didn't have it on very long. Chase doesn't mind "church clothes" that is what he calls them. Chase asks every morning "church today mommy". He loves going and worshiping with his friends. It's a good thing!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Chase's Birthday Party.

Sorry... it's taken me a while to post Chase's party pictures. Chase is into sports right now, especially baseball. So when I asked Chase about what kind of cake he wanted, of course... a baseball. Enjoy!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Break.

It's Spring Break time! We don't have huge plans. We plan to go to the Children's Museum in Indianapolis one day. Go to Muncie another day, to do a little shopping with Mom and visit Jack's Camera Shop http://www.jackscamera.com Some photography work needs done and of course spring cleaning. Yay!!! It'll be nice to just get some QT with the kids:) Safe traveling to all you explorers!